Enterprise Wireless

#No Product Model Part Number Product Description Our Price
401 KVAS035DDC00 88035DDC Platform Software for Public Safety-MME,V100R019(per blade) - Get Quote
402 KVAS035DEA00 88035DEA Platform Software for Public Safety-EPC-GW,V100R019(per blade) - Get Quote
403 WM2TDACAOS22 02353KLD Disk Array Controller-OceanStor(AC)(Kunpeng) - Get Quote
404 WD2DUBBPG300 03058627 Universal Baseband Processing Unit g3 - Get Quote
405 SE9P00BPUB02 02311TJF SBC Business Process Unit(B2) - Get Quote
406 ELTG00SMEP00 05330970 Scheduling monitor extension pack V2.0(per eMDC) - Get Quote
407 NDSS000MTL03 81601254 Base NetWork Managerment SoftWare Expansion Package-From Medium Scale to Large Scale(6000-15000)-Unix - Get Quote
408 NSDS000MTL01 88031SMQ Base NetWork Managerment SoftWare Expansion Package-From Medium Scale to Large Scale(6000-15000)-Linux - Get Quote
409 NDSSENGINE01 81601300 Unified Management Engine-for 3 Management Domains - Get Quote
410 NSDS0LARGE01 88031SMP Platform Software(Linux Server & Windows Client)(0~15000NEs) - Get Quote
411 NSDS0LARGE02 88032NJR Large platform Software(Linux Server & Windows Client)(0~15000NEs) - Get Quote
412 RM0SNSSETU18 88060LPD 5G NSA UPCC Setup Package for eMBB slice SW Subscription and support, 1Year (per site) - Get Quote
413 SE9P00BPUB01 02311TJE SBC Business Process Unit(B1) - Get Quote
414 KWAMBASCFG21 02352TJL Base Configuration for System(1 Cabinet) - Get Quote
415 KWAM000OMU18 02312NHW Operation Maintenance Unit (1+1 backup) - Get Quote
416 KQ7M000BBS22 02353LHE Subrack for Broadband - Get Quote
417 KV2S06948100 88069481 A/B Test Solution Value Package Software Subscription and Support, 1 Year(Per CloudUSN) - Get Quote
418 KWAM000SPU21 02312NJA Service Processing Unit (1+1 backup) - Get Quote
419 NSDS000STL01 88033EAY Base NetWork Managerment SoftWare Expansion Package-From Large Scale to Super Large Scale(15000-20000)-Linux - Get Quote
420 WD5MMEE3E605 02312JLP BBU3910 Main Equipment (2UMPTe3, 3UBBPe6) - Get Quote
421 WD5MMEE2E605 02312GKH BBU3910 Main Equipment (2UMPTe2, 3UBBPe6) - Get Quote
422 WD5MMEE3E603 02312JLM BBU3910 Main Equipment (1UMPTe3, 3UBBPe6) - Get Quote
423 WD5MMEE2E603 02312GKG BBU3910 Main Equipment (1UMPTe2, 3UBBPe6) - Get Quote
424 ELTGEMDCGR02 05330999 eMDC-L Geographic Redundance SW V2.0(per eMDC) - Get Quote
425 KV0MB93UDC00 02351KVG OSTA5.0 Basic Subrack Package(4*GPUB9,3U,DC) - Get Quote
426 NDSS000MTL05 81601428 Base NetWork Managerment SoftWare Expansion Package-From Large Scale to Super Large Scale(15000-20000)-Unix - Get Quote
427 KV2S060MGA00 88060MGA Dedicated Core Network Selection Value Package Software Subscription and Support,1 Year(Per CloudUSN) - Get Quote
428 NSDS0SLARGE01 88033EAX Super Large platform Software(Linux Server & Windows Client)(0~20000NEs) - Get Quote
429 KV0MB93UAC30 02352FXN OSTA5.0 Basic Subrack Package(4*GPUB9,MSXC,3U,AC) - Get Quote
430 KV0MB93UDC30 02352FXL OSTA5.0 Basic Subrack Package(4*GPUB9,MSXC,3U,DC) - Get Quote
431 KWS2GAPUA100 03056677 General Service Process Unit A1 - Get Quote
432 NSDS000STL04 88034MAW Base NetWork Managerment SoftWare Expansion Package-From Large Scale to Super Large Scale(20000-30000)-Linux - Get Quote
433 KV3S060FKC00 88060FKC 5G Ultr-High Badwidth Value Package Software Subscription and Support, 1 Year(Per CloudUGW) - Get Quote
434 KV2S060FKW00 88060FKW 5G Ultr-High Badwidth Value Package Software Subscription and Support, 1 Year(Per CloudUSN) - Get Quote
435 KV0MB93UAC00 02351KVJ OSTA5.0 Basic Subrack Package(4*GPUB9,3U,AC) - Get Quote
436 KVAM353SLN00 02353SLN E9000H-4 (General Processing Unit *4, AC) - Get Quote
437 KV3S034CAN00 88034CAN CloudUGW-NB-IoT Platform Software(Per CloudUGW) - Get Quote
438 ESS-BMSC-R1 88034NLF vESS BMSC Basic Software, V100R001 (per BMSC) - Get Quote
439 KWS9LTR0DR00 88034FXR Disaster Recovery(per Server) - Get Quote
440 NSDS000STL03 88034HNJ Base NetWork Managerment SoftWare Expansion Package-From Large Scale to Super Large Scale(15000-30000)-Linux - Get Quote
441 WMESU26SN4K0 88036KWC Service Enabler Expansion (Small to Medium) - Get Quote
442 KV2S035JXG00 88035JXG A/B Test platform Initiation Value Package(Per CloudUSN) - Get Quote
443 KV3S035HHP00 88035HHP CloudUGW-5G Ultr-High Badwidth Value Package(Per CloudUGW) - Get Quote
444 KV2S035HJK00 88035HJK 5G Ultr-High Badwidth Value Package(Per CloudUSN) - Get Quote
445 Mu. Sys. Intero. SW 05333887 Multi-System Service Interoperability SW - Get Quote
446 Mu. Sys. Roam. SW 05333889 Multi System Service Roaming Software - Get Quote
447 KV2S035PHV00 88035PHV Dedicated Core Network Selection Value Package(Per CloudUSN) - Get Quote
448 KV2S034BYB00 88034BYB CloudUSN-NB-IoT Platform Software(Per CloudUSN) - Get Quote
449 KV2S034YVE00 88034YVE A/B Test Solution Value Package(Per CloudUSN) - Get Quote
450 RM0SNSASPI00 88035NBJ 5G NSA UPCC Setup Package for eMBB slice(per site) - Get Quote
451 NDSS000WDM60 88034FVP Super Large platform Software(Linux Server & Windows Client)(0~30000NEs) - Get Quote
452 ELTG0IPSEC01 05331356 eNB IPSec SW(FDD) V2.0 - Get Quote
453 ELTG0IPSEC00 05331332 eNB IPSec SW V2.0 - Get Quote
454 KV3S06001700 88060017 CloudUGW Software for GGSN Subscription and Support,1 Year(Per K PDP) - Get Quote
455 ELTG0EDBUS06 05332803 Dynamics Buildgroup User Software - Get Quote
456 R110000SLA 02310VQH Function Module,RTN XMC-LH,11G,SD,Low site,10675MHz,11215MHz,11199MHz,11745MHz,Without doc,WR-75,H01 - Get Quote
457 R110000SHA 02310VQJ Function Module,RTN XMC-LH,11G,SD,High site,11199MHz,11745MHz,10675MHz,11215MHz,Without doc,WR-75,H01 - Get Quote
458 SE9S0IBSWF05 88062787 Interworking SBC Basic Software Subscription and Support,5 Year(per 100 concurrent sessions) - Get Quote
459 KV3S035EWD00 88035EWD CloudUGW-NB-IoT Connection Software Level 2(Per K SAU) - Get Quote
460 R080000NLA 52414406 Microwave RFU,XMC-LH,8G,NonSD,H08N10D0,Low site,7725MHz,8377MHz,8016.5MHz,8497MHz - Get Quote
461 R080000NHA 52414408 Microwave RFU,XMC-LH,8G,NonSD,H08P10D0,High site,8016.5MHz,8497MHz,7725MHz,8377MHz - Get Quote
462 R070000NLA 52414409 Microwave RFU,XMC-LH,7G,NonSD,H07N10D0,Low site,7093MHz,7707MHz,7275MHz,7897MHz - Get Quote
463 BC5M78SPSC 02312HST DING Medium Scale Server(2*4110 CPU,2*32GB DIMM,4*600GB SAS,9460-8i RAID,4*GE Electrical + 2*10GE Electrical,2*550W AC Power,DVD,Rail) - Get Quote
464 SLE500T2000M 88031SFF RTN 380 Upgrade License,from 500M to 2000M - Get Quote
465 KV2S060FKX00 88060FKX CloudUSN-5G MME Software Subscription and Support, 1 Year(Per K SAU) - Get Quote
466 KV0MTE9SDC01 02352SEG Tecal E9000 Subrack(DC) - Get Quote
467 KV0MTE9SAC01 02352SEF Tecal E9000 Subrack(AC) - Get Quote
468 SLB2CSHLU 03057569 OptiX RTN 980L SLB2CSHLU Unified Long Haul System Control and Cross-connect Board - Get Quote
469 BICN16 52442242-001 Microwave electric Accessory,Branch-I,L6/U6/7/8/11G,ACCP,NonSD,1/6,with English doc - Get Quote
470 WD6MQAAEACP3 02312QJM pRRU5935 for Multi-Mode TD3500M+TD3500M,inner antenna - Get Quote
471 WD6MZAAEACP4 02312NME pRRU5935 for Multi-Mode TD3700M+TD3700M,inner antenna - Get Quote
472 WD6MQAAEACP4 02312QJN pRRU5935H for Multi-Mode TD3500M+TD3500M,outer antenna - Get Quote
473 WD6MQAAEADY0 02312UHC pRRU5935 for Multi-Mode TD3500M+TD3500M,inner antenna - Get Quote
474 MI2SPACKNF00 88034HMW CSC3300 Fixed Service Standard Package(per k subs) - Get Quote
475 SLEL3000M1 88032JSE RTN 380 Link Transmission Capacity License,3000M - Get Quote
476 RM0SFEMVSP00 88033JQF UPCC FE Mobile voice standard Package (per k Rx sessions) - Get Quote
477 SE9S0ABSWF04 88062740 Access SBC Basic Software Subscription and Support, 4 Year(per 100 concurrent session) - Get Quote
478 WM1TMMER08 88034NWJ MME Pool Management-CN(per NE) - Get Quote
479 LT1STPLCUS01 88035FRC Precise Load Control Users (per User) - Get Quote
480 NDSS00SAFE03 88030TVH Per High End Security NE License - Get Quote
481 NSDS0TNFBC01 88032EFK Transport NE Management Function Basic Component - Get Quote
482 WD2DUMPTB100 03054887 Universal Main Processing & Transmission Unit (4 E1&1 Electrical FE/GE&1 Optical FE/GE,UMPTb1) - Get Quote
483 WD2DUMPTB101 03054885 Universal Main Processing & Transmission unit with 4E1 and 2FE/GE interface UMPTb1 - Get Quote
484 ELTGEMDCBS17 05331792 eDC Function SW(Standard Version)V2.0 - Get Quote
485 WM1S0VNFM002 88068614 VNF Lifecycle Management Basic Software Subscription and Support per System,2 Years(per System) - Get Quote
486 SF4SFXVSNS13 88065205 ATS9900 Fixed Service Standard Package SW Subscription and Support,3 Year(per k subs) - Get Quote
487 BICN26 52442243-001 Microwave electric Accessory,Branch-I,L6/U6/7/8/11G,ACCP,NonSD,2/6,with English doc - Get Quote
488 WM1S0ENHA011 88063308 EMS O&M Value-added Package SW Subscription and Support(per NE per year) - Get Quote
489 MTS9512A-HT2011-001 01073292-001 Outdoor Power, MTS9512A, 220/380Vac Three-Phase or 220Vac Single-Phase, 200A, 815mm (W) * 735mm (D) * 2030mm (H), Heat Exchange and TEC Air Conditioner - Get Quote
490 GVERTAS60 05220725 Veritas InfoScale Enterprise License-V7.1-For linux(4CPU) - Get Quote
491 GVERTAS73 05221023 Veritas InfoScale Enterprise License-V7.4-For linux(4CPU) - Get Quote
492 DCB2V600AH01 24060295 Energy Storage Unit, DCB-A Series, 48V, 600Ah, 2V Cell, 206mm(W) * 145mm(D) * 677mm(H), 24PCS - Get Quote
493 LSL9MIPS00 88034VHP Operation & Maintenance Efficiency Increased Package (Per Subrack) - Get Quote
494 BICN18 52442256-001 Microwave electric Accessory,Branch-I,L6/U6/7/8/11G,ACCP,NonSD,1/8,with English doc - Get Quote
495 SE9SSTGSNS05 88062774 Security Traversal Gateway SW Subscription and Support,5 Year(per k channels) - Get Quote
496 ELTGERUNCS12 05332647 eCNS280 Embedded Registered User Number Control Software - Get Quote
497 Reg.UserNum 05334097 eCNS280 Embedded Registered User Number Control Software - Get Quote
498 SLMEETMS01 88034NNC RTN510 Enhanced Ethernet Traffic Management License (per RT) - Get Quote
499 SLMEETMS02 88034WMM RTN510 Enhanced Ethernet Traffic Management License (Per AP) - Get Quote
500 NSDPE9000C20 S4027090 Compute node CH121 V5-2CPU-20Core-2.0GHz or above-320GB(10*32GB)-2*1200GB SAS disk-HUAWEI - Get Quote
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